Lenten Reflection: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

I had gotten (back) into a bad habit of often checking my phone, namely email. We are house hunting and it felt like any minute THE house would show up in an email. I knew I wanted to change this come Lent. And so, I deleted the email app. I also stropped Instagram. Other than those two apps, I don’t have anything on my phone that brings new information my way, except for the occasional text or message on a family thread.
The urge to check, the desire for a distraction has not abated with these changes. Ninety-percent of the time there is no notice on my phone and I am genuinely disappointed. I keep my phone on my command center which is right next to our downstairs bathroom, which I use throughout the day. I plan to move it, but it won’t really solve the problem.
The problem is me — where my gaze is, where my mind is, and the deep craving for distraction.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Helen H. Lemmel, 1922
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Josh Garrels has a version of this old hymn. I listen to it often and think of it more. It is a great reminder to me of where my gaze should be and what direction my heart should face. I know this, and yet I still struggle. I fall down multiple times a day.
Life is hard. Distraction is cheap and easy. It soothes the trouble, even if the relief is fleeting. It’s addicting and the craving is always there, especially when sadness, pain, or boredom show up. Yet it never satisfies. It just leaves me longing for something more novel, more interesting, and more distracting.
Yet Christ does truly fulfill me. He gives me peace and calmness to my soul — if I ask and wait. It takes more work on my part. I have to move, I have to turn, I have to ask. And sometimes that even feels like too much. But the other option I have — distraction — eventually leaves me feeling more depleted and desperate.
So I will just keep trying, keep turning toward Christ. I will continue to fall, but I will just get back up and try again — and again and again.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
This is part of my 2024 Lenten Series. Other posts in this series is The Grace of Abstinence and Honey from the Rock.