Lent in Real Life: Week 4

Part of me is surprised that we’ve made it through four weeks of Lent already, and another part of me feels overwhelmed that there are two more weeks, PLUS Holy Week, left.
Our Week
This week was not a rhythmic as I like things to be.
Sunday we chose not to go to the pan-Orthodox Sunday Vespers and instead have an afternoon and evening together as a family to celebrate completely the first Brain Highways course, which was nine weeks long. We hiked at our favorite state park, had a yummy meal with toasts of juice, and donuts for dessert! It was so much fun and so good for our family!
Monday we headed north to see the eclipse with some people from our homeschool co-op. While we didn’t see it in totality, it was still a very cool experience and met some wonderful people also.
Tuesday, I was pretty worn out from being out in the sun and away from the house most of the day before. I felt the weight of what was left of Lent, as well as everything else going on for us. However, it was an amazingly beautiful day and my spirits lifted some. Our oldest son had his first baseball practice. I’m excited for him, but not looking forward to the demands it adds to our schedule.
Wednesday was pretty normal thankfully and the younger kids even improved their church behavior some which was a huge blessing for me.
Thursday was mostly normal except my husband and I went to look at three houses in the afternoon, when went out to eat for a date. It was so nice to have some one-on-one time out of the house. As for the houses, two out of three were definite no’s, but we’re still thinking about one.
Today has been slow going and I’ve felt overwhelmed with all that needs to happen and the lack of time and energy I have. I’m trying to take the opportunity to turn to Christ and ask for Him help and strength.
This weekend holds lots of cleaning, hosting a St. Vladimir’s professor and son for the weekend so he can speak at Sunday Vespers, and our church hosting said Sunday Vespers. Phew!

On My Mind
I’ve been thinking a lot about rest, why we get tired, and how to think about it all. I’ve also been thinking a lot about how daily and weekly household tasks, family needs, etc can fit together better — and what it all might look like in the fall. I notice myself wanting to to wait until we’ve moved and settled to address some problem areas, but I am recognizing that it’s my perfectionism tendency that wants to use upcoming change as an excuse to procrastinate. In actuality, working on little problem areas now, will make moving and settling that much easier.
I have felt so much growth this Lent while dealing with house hunting (see my Lenten Reflections), and I am grateful, but growth is hard and painful, and we’re not at the end of that story yet. Still, I am finding I am able to rest in Him quicker and easier than before. And I want to turn my eyes from this problem toward the Cross and Resurrection.
Lenten Habits
I have barely read The Lenten Spring this week. It’s not because I’m reading other things — it’s because I am not reading! Most afternoons I haven’t taken the time because my Quiet Time has been short due to other things I need to get done in the afternoon. Maybe it was an excuse, maybe not. We’ll see how next week is. By the time I get in bed, I’m ready to just go to sleep! This is my season, and I’m trying to just be okay with it.
I am still reading Tending the Garden of Our Hearts to the kids, and keeping up with the other elements of our morning prayers: a psalm, one part of an akathist, and the prayer of St. Ephraim.
The Lenten meal plan is working out well and I love not having to think about it too much, yet adjusting it easily as I see fit.
We’ve made it to all the Wednesday pre-sanctified liturgies and Friday akathists so far. I’m learning when is a good time to give the kids a break, and they are learning to deal with how “long” they are! Not saying this is good or bad, but I’ve been giving the kids little chocolates after the Wednesday service, up to three, based on how good their behavior is. It is motivating to be sure!
I’m taking your post-services chocolates idea – ha!
I hope it’s helpful! 🙂