Lent in Real Life: Ready to Begin
Just days away from Lent, my plans have come together more and I am ready — as ready as I can be that is!
I’ve gotten a few more things checked of my to do list in preparation for Lent, and that feels good. My body is feeling heavy from all the cheese and carbs so I’m almost excited about lighter fare next week. Overall, I’m ready for the anticipation to be over and to just begin.
I don’t plan on going to extra services next week, just Wed and Fri like I plan to for most of Lent. However, I am gearing up for my husband to pretty much be out of the house most of the time, and probably not very present when he is home. This is our first year of him serving a parish, but not the first of him being a priest or having lots of services and requirements of him. In fact, he’ll probably be around just a little more than he was during seminary. Still, I’m solidifying my realization that he will pretty much be out of the picture next week.
Monday is my third child’s birthday. We’re going to fudge the fast a little for Mac ‘n cheese for lunch and a cake with supper. So in a little way, it feels like the true beginning of Lent is delayed a day.
Still, I start my reading of The Lenten Spring, and reading Tending the Garden of Our Hearts with the kids on Monday. I’ve decided to try and start a psalter group at church (one person signed up!) and so I’ll begin that as well.
Even without the Lenten season, the I’ve had lots of opportunities to trust God, over and over. Part of this trust involves me not going down certain roads/ideas in my mind. It’s a continual struggle and I’ll be continuing it into Lent.
I don’t want to be naive and think I’m “all ready” for Lent. One never knows how it will actually go. It’s that way with all of life, but setting up a focus around a certain time period that has its own focus and traditions, really gives one focus and perspective. So, I’ll just say, I’ve done what I could and I’m as ready as I can be.
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